Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hey Guys and Gals!

Do you ever struggle at coming to the net?  Prefer to play the baseline just because you don't want to take the risk..."I mean it's scary up there and I'll just make a fool of myself trying"; ever feel that way?  I know I have, or I just don't feel I have the speed, or the shot [if I should happen to get to my spot in time].  How do I handle this problem?  What should I do to improve my court and net skills?  I think these are questions many of us have but don't know how to approach fixing them.

So here's an article from Tomaz Mencinger on some solutions he believes we tennis players might want to implement to improve our skills.  I hope it helps you, I know I try to keep his tips in mind when I play.  Read more here...

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