Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hey Tennis Fans!  Can you believe we're already at the end of January 2013?  Wow!!!  Well here's maybe a New Years resolution you can make and that's believing that you can beat tennis players you deam "better than you".

Is it possible to beat someone better than you or is that some kind of oxymoron?  You may find that you have many weaknesses in your game but perhaps that's the first step in knowing how to play a better player.  Because you know what your weaknesses are you can of course improve upon them but also (until you actually fix those problems) you know to work around those weak issues.  But how might you do that (that's really the question isn't it!)?  Well Kyril Popoff has come up with some suggestions.  If you are interested in finding out what they are simply check them out here...

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