Friday, October 14, 2011



Okay!  I'm sure I'm the only one that gets frustrated during my tennis matches...talking under my breath, spewing curse words I hope nobody hears - and that's even before I walk out on the court (ha!). 

But seriously I mentally believe that I'm a better player than I appear to be while I'm actually playing the game I so love.  "What's wrong with me? . . . just get the ball deeper in the court, 'idiot' - I play better than this, ...if you're going to throw-up a lob at least get it over their head, . . . move your feet, move your STUPID feet!".   Then I congratulate them with a smile and walk off the court hating myself for being SOooooo childish;  ever happen to you? probably not I've seemed to have corned the market on self-loathing.   But fortunately for me it has happened to people who are way smarter than me and know how to write about it to help others like myself.  

I found this article on "Article Dashboard" written by Dr. Patrick J. Cohn; it helped me get a little perspective on my situation so maybe it will help you as well.  Read more here . . . 

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