Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mental Toughness

Mental toughness, can be a dirty word in tennis.  How hard is it during a tennis match, or even a friendly game of tennis not to beat yourself up when things go wrong?  I've talked about this subject before but I think it's one of the most important things in tennis.  I know I really get on myself during a match, it seems I'm doing everything right except for some reason the ball seems to go a little long or in the net.  I know it can't be me. . . so what's the deal?

Do you find yourself questioning what the problem is and just beating yourself up more and more until you do something really stupid like screaming at the top for your lungs or worse, cracking your racket on the ground? you feel really foolish and sometimes a few dollars in the whole when you have to buy a new racket -  It just ain't worth it, is it??? 

May be this video will give you some suggestion to help keep it together.  If any of you have other issues you would like to see discussed let me know.  I'm learning from this blog as well and would like to hear from you stjoetennis@gmail.com.  Take care and enjoy.  

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