Friday, March 8, 2013

Dealing With Your Fear

Do you feel like you're a better player than it appears you are when you're actually playing tennis?  What happens to your game?  Even simple plays seem to be impossible, all the practice in the world doesn't seem to help.  "I mean I'm not planning on going pro but I'm better than this, and I should have been able to beat that guy in my sleep". . . "what's-up-with-that"?????  I know exactly how you feel, and probably if the truth where known several tennis players (or any player of any sport) knows exactly how you feel.

I think we or atleast I lose it mentally.  We've just failed to execute so many times that we really don't have the confidence that we need to get over the wall.  We'll what do we do?  Probably the first thing is to get out of our own heads and believe, or as the Little Train That Could would said, "I think I can, I think I can" to eventually saying, "I know I can, I know I can".

I was reading an article from someone who just describes him or herself as Head Coach.  It was an article from Tennis Mind Camp.  The only reason I posted it below, is because on the web page I would normally refer you to, had so many graphics covering up apart of the article making it very difficult to read.  So Scroll below and maybe the suggestions of the Head Coach will help you improve your game.

If you would like to refer to the page the information originally came from click here...

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