Friday, February 11, 2011

Tennis Split Step

I don't know if some of you fear approaching the net as much as I do, but after watching tons of tennis on TV and at the club and schools I'm safely assuming I'm not the only one with this fear.  Mostly my fear comes from not correctly doing my split step [or maybe better put - not doing my split step in time].  This is true for me in both doubles and singles tennis.  In singles I simply don't know [sometimes anyway] which shots to approach on, and when I do approach I end up running through the ball or I do my split step so late that I don't get to the ball in time.  I've seen a lot of people play so I know that I'm not the only one that does this so maybe the following videos will help you have better decision making on the court as well.  Of course practicing in real games will let you know how well you've improved so good luck!!!

I would also like to courage anyone out there if you have advice or questions please sign up to this blog and ask.  I would sincerely like to have other players points of view on what they would like to see on this page.  This is the only blog I have ever done and I have much to learn, particularly when it comes to content.  So any questions, concerns, outraged annunciations, or opinions on how to improve please, 'BRING-IT-ON"! 

Until then please enjoy these videos on how to improve your foot work and approach. THANKS!

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