Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I kind of got out of the groove on posting during the summer...I'll try and do better. Please feel free to help me with this page. Comments, questions, or helpful tips would be appreciated - even good clean tennis jokes would be great! Just Email at stjotennis@stjosephtennisclub.com, my name is Garth and I do the webpage design for the St. Joseph Tennis Club here in St. Joseph, Missouri. This page is separate from that page. However, I do link to this page from the tennis club page. I'm trying to use this page simply to learn more about tennis and to get to know other tennis players anywhere in the world that would like to contact me.

Thanks for viewing this page and I hope to hear from you soon and I hope that you are enjoying the U.S. Tennis Open as much as I am.

Here's a couple of questions to get things started. Why are there such significantly different rules for men's and women's pro tennis? Examples: Women can ask for coaching between sets and they also have what seems to be a reasonable practice for extreme heat like they're experiencing at the U.S. Open [after the 2nd set they can have a 10 minute cool down]. The Men's side don't have either one of these rules; do you think they should? Just curious.

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