Friday, December 24, 2010

All I Want For Christmas is You - 7 yr old Rhema Marvanne..Truly Amazing - Must See

I thought this would be a nice way to say, "MERRY CHRISTMAS"!!!!  This little girl "Rhema Marvanne" is a great story.  You may have seen her on the 700 Club.  Anyway I hope you enjoy her video!

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Little Tennis Humor

I think this probably came from America's Funniest Videos.  Thought instead of tennis lessons this week I would have some lot heart videos.  Hope you enjoy!

Djokovic vs Ballgirl

Quarky little accident on the court.  I could see something like this happening to me! Enjoy!!!

One Million Dollar Accident

Watch what happens when a bird decides to play doubles!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Racket and Tennis Lesson Giveaway

You might want to check out this video. Tennis Express and is giving away upto $500 worth of tennis stuff as well as $300 worth of lesson every month. Watch this video for more details, it sounds pretty interesting to me.

P.S. the gentleman in this video talks about a video below, that would be on their site and not this one.

How to recover like a pro

This video talks about how to get back into position using the crossover step viruses shuffling back into position.  I'll have to make sure and take this guys advance sounds good.

Beginners Tennis Lesson

I thought this might help some beginner tennis enthusiasts come out of their shell.  This is a good beginner's lesson.  Hope you like it!

Tennis Lesson: Forehand Step 3 - Swing to Contact

Here's a video you might enjoy.  It's should help you improve your forehand!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Tennis Pronation Tip

I think you'll find this video very informative on Tennis Pronation (in serving) as well as the video below!

Tennis Serve Pronation

The video helps explain a how important pronation is to your serve. How is a great example of how it looks. If you have any comments that you would like to share about this information or any other information that I've had on this blog please let me know. Question, comments, humor antidotes would be great. Thanks!

P.S. Guess it would probably help if I gave you my email address:

Learning How to Serve

Here is a good basic video for serving, especially if you are just learning how to serve. Hope you like it.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The most exciting match point and match ending in tennis EVER!

Have you ever had a bad day on the tennis court and you just wanted to hurt something??? We'll here is a video that might help you feel better about yourself . . . unless of course you've broken more than just your tennis racket. ENJOY!

Tennis Tip From Pete and Skip: Great Serving Lesson

A better serving motion is something I need to work on. So I thought something like this video below might help others just like me. Hope you like it!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Federer and His Famous Bottle Trick

I'm going to abstain from saying what I think right now. But I'm curious if you believe this is real. Email me at

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I kind of got out of the groove on posting during the summer...I'll try and do better. Please feel free to help me with this page. Comments, questions, or helpful tips would be appreciated - even good clean tennis jokes would be great! Just Email at, my name is Garth and I do the webpage design for the St. Joseph Tennis Club here in St. Joseph, Missouri. This page is separate from that page. However, I do link to this page from the tennis club page. I'm trying to use this page simply to learn more about tennis and to get to know other tennis players anywhere in the world that would like to contact me.

Thanks for viewing this page and I hope to hear from you soon and I hope that you are enjoying the U.S. Tennis Open as much as I am.

Here's a couple of questions to get things started. Why are there such significantly different rules for men's and women's pro tennis? Examples: Women can ask for coaching between sets and they also have what seems to be a reasonable practice for extreme heat like they're experiencing at the U.S. Open [after the 2nd set they can have a 10 minute cool down]. The Men's side don't have either one of these rules; do you think they should? Just curious.

Head Racquet Review

Hope you find this information useful. If you have a question or a comment about any of the information on this page please let me know. Or if you know some information that you think would be useful to other players I would be glad to post that here as well.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


My tennis instructor has made the above comment to me many times and he's not the first person I've heard make that statement. I'm sure if you've been taking lessons or playing tennis for very long your coach or instructor has made that same comment to you as well.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because I just got through watching the Family Circle Cup Final and Samantha Stosur played like a female version of Rafael Nadal. Stosur's match with Vera Zvonareva was amazing [I felt sorry for Vera Zvonareva because Stosur was on her game and simply unbeatable].

During this match Cliff Drysdale wanted to point out Sam Stosur excellent 2nd serve and ask the production crew to show her second serve in slow-motion and he explained in his day this serve was called the American Twist. Pam Shriver was completely shocked by this second serve because the serve finishes on the server's right [of course if you're a right hander] verses on the server's left as the first serve ends - Pam acted like she had never seen such a thing. However, that's exactly what my tennis instructor has been trying to teach me for the past 20 years [I'm a slow learner, but that's another story]; I was surprised that she had never seen such a serve, so I've placed a couple of examples below of this serve.

The first video I placed is an instruction video and the second video is a player actually using this second serve in a match. I hope you enjoy.

If you have any question or opinions you would like to share please let me know I would be very glad to hear from you. My email address is: Hope to hear from you soon!!!!

Here's a good explanation and example of the 2nd serve

Good 2nd Serve Example

This video just shows a young man's second serve - it doesn't give any explanation. But I thought it was a good example of ending your serve on the right hand side.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Creating Topspin on your Forehand

I hope you all find these two videos helpful...I know I did. Let me know what you think.

Tennis Forehand - Windshield Wiper Forehand in High Definition

I thought this forehand lesson was pretty facinating, so I thought I would share it with you.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

St. Joseph Tennis Club Tournaments

Hey Folks if anybody is interested there are some fun Tournaments coming-up at the St. Joseph Tennis Club. The most recent tournament will be the first weekend of February and it is the Junior / Adult Tournament. Just F.Y.I. these tournaments are just for fun, so you don't have to be a member of the club or U.S.T.A.. If you are interested in finding out more. Click on the the link:

St. Joseph Tennis Club Tournaments!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Australian 2010 Starts January 18th

Good news all!!! The Australian open is a couple of weeks away. Do any of you have any special picks for this year? I imagine for the men it will be Nadal and Federer but who knows maybe there will be some major upsets. I'm hoping to see Clisters make it on the women's side to the finals, but of course shes got to make it past the Williams sisters.

I'd like to know what you all think. So if you have any questions, opinions, inside info, interesting gossip let me know.

I've placed some videos below of the promo for the Australian 2010 Open, as well as, overviews of last years Australian Finals. Enjoy!

Australian Open 2010 official TV commercial

Change Player Size Watch this video in a new window Nadal - Federer, Australian Open 2009 Final Highlights part 1/2

Melbourne 2009 - Final Highlights