Friday, October 28, 2011

Playing Better Tennis

What does "Playing Better Tennis" really mean?  I'm constantly trying to improve my game but my ego and or pride gets in the way.  My game can quickly move from me trying to improve my shot making skills to trying to prove that I'm the better player.  When my mind-set changes so does my game.  Suddenly I'll find my self pushing the ball instead of following through, I'll start taking the ball late, reluctant to come to the net, and completely mentally fatigued or supper frustrated.

How does a player overcome these issues?  How do we keep our game separate from who we are?  Realizing that just because we lose a game or set in tennis doesn't mean we're losers in life.  It's strange how we (or I) can let a tennis match define me, make me fill bad or great [depending on the outcome]  about myself as a person in someway.  So what does one do about this?  How do we improve our dust ourselves off, and continue to work on our games without letting it affect who we are?

Well Tomaz Mencinger might have an answer for us.  He has written an article called, "The Secret of Playing Good Tennis" I found it very insightful I hope you do too.  Click here to read more....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tom Avery's FREE Tennis Lessons - How To Gain Confidence In Your Overhead Smash

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.   I've been looking for some good videos that might help your game and mine [mostly mine].  Anyway, I ran across some videos by Tom Avery, he does, I think, an excellent job of ... I'll call it "Show and Tell".  He explains the moves and then shows you how it should look on the court.  I found this one about overheads fascinating I hope you do too.  I'll probably place more on here later but for now here you go.

If you like his explanations he has more video tips for FREE and here's some information you might be interested in:  See more FREE videos at and Sign Up for more FREE Tips and Tom's Weekly Newsletter. 

Friday, October 14, 2011



Okay!  I'm sure I'm the only one that gets frustrated during my tennis matches...talking under my breath, spewing curse words I hope nobody hears - and that's even before I walk out on the court (ha!). 

But seriously I mentally believe that I'm a better player than I appear to be while I'm actually playing the game I so love.  "What's wrong with me? . . . just get the ball deeper in the court, 'idiot' - I play better than this, ...if you're going to throw-up a lob at least get it over their head, . . . move your feet, move your STUPID feet!".   Then I congratulate them with a smile and walk off the court hating myself for being SOooooo childish;  ever happen to you? probably not I've seemed to have corned the market on self-loathing.   But fortunately for me it has happened to people who are way smarter than me and know how to write about it to help others like myself.  

I found this article on "Article Dashboard" written by Dr. Patrick J. Cohn; it helped me get a little perspective on my situation so maybe it will help you as well.  Read more here . . . 

Monday, October 3, 2011

CrossWord Puzzle for October

Click on Puzzle to make printable.
Answer in Tennis Thoughts.