Thursday, May 30, 2013

Keep Hydrated While Playing Tennis

Ready for a lot of tennis this Summer??? I hope so!  But keep in mind that as it gets warmer keep yourself well hydrated is important especially if you want to do better, feel better, and keep from getting sick or cramping on or off the court.  While trying to keep hydrated be careful of caffeinated drinks such as tea, and soda (or as we say in the mid-west pop), coffee will also dehydrate you because all these drinks act as a diuretic; alcohol also falls in this category but we won't even go there.

The best thing you can drink is water, which is of course a no-brainer.  But also keep in mind that you can drink too much water and shut down the hormone that tells your body when to urinate which is known as water-intoxication. I've found an article that might help you a little more in this area if you are interested so click here for more information.  This particular article also talks about getting too much sun and what you need to do about that as well.  Keep safe and have fun this summer.