Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mental Tennis: Tennis Players Deadliest Enemy

Hello Everyone,

Got a little busy so I haven't posted in a while sorry!  Hope this makes
up for it.

Have you ever found yourself making excuses are even getting angry and talking to yourself [hopefully under your breath so no one else can hear], saying things like, "if it wasn't for the stupid sun, or wind I would have this" or "how in the world is this guy beating me"?  Me neither (ha!)  Anyway, Brian Hill of TennisMindCamp has an article I think you might find very helpful... atleast I did; if you are interested read more here....

Ryan Harrison - America's Promissing Male Tennis Player

If you are a huge tennis fan you know that the U.S. has been struggling with getting new, young, and talented tennis players on both the men's and women's sides.  The Williams sister are getting older and struggling with more and more injuries as well as Andy Roddick who is also getting older and is struggling with injuries, and staying in the top ten.  Currently on the Men's side we still have Mardy Fish who is working his way up but is also on the older side when it comes to pro-tennis, and we also have John Isner, and Sam Querrey; both John and Sam are working their ways up the rankings - here's to hoping they'll be in the top 10 or 20 soon!

But there's another young man that's doing well and his name is Ryan Harrison, if you care to read more about him you can do that here...