Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tennis Grip illustration

Here is a picture of both forehand and backhand grips.  Below this is a video that I think you might find interesting.   Thanks for visiting, hope this blog is helping people improve their game.  Let me know what you think sometime, any suggestions would help me know what people would like to see here.  If you would like you can email me at

How to Find a Tennis Grip (in High Definition)

Here I believe is a good explanation on how to choose a grip.  Hope it helps you as well!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Tennis- Topspin Forehand Technique

Hello Folks,

I don't know about you but sometimes I can be as thick as a brick wall when trying to learn or get down a technique.  For example I've been continually trying to hit the ball with more top spin, but I come away with still hitting the ball flat.  Now there's nothing wrong with hitting flat if you are wanting power, but if you're looking for better clearance over the net and more consistency the top spin is the way to go. 

The point is I've been struggling in the area of top spin and sometimes a really good visual helps.  So here is a video that I believe has helped me get a better concept of what to do.  Hope it helps you as well. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Landon Hover 10 Year Old Pro Hopeful

Erin Wisdom of the St. Joseph News Press tells the story of how 10 year Landon Hover and his family moved from St. Joseph, Mo to Overland Park, Ks. to pursue Landon's dreams of becoming a tennis pro.  Read more by clicking here...

Wonsuk Choi/St. Joseph News-Press